Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rude Awakening Part 2...

During my prayer time early this morning, I felt led to pray for a specific friend of mine. She's a great friend and I've been trying for years to get her to come to church. I mention it occasionally, but hadn't said anything to her in a while. This morning at work I got an email from her asking what time church starts on Sunday. I don't know for sure if she'll be there Sunday or not, but she is thinking about her spiritual life and that is a great step. That little email brought me so much joy today - it was so worth the lost sleep to see the validation that God does hear my prayers and is working in the lives of those around me.

1 comment:

Fool of God said...

Yay! I am so glad that you are getting comfortable with morning devotions...it really is beneficial to start the day that way, at least if you can get up. ;-)