Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rude Awakening Part 2...

During my prayer time early this morning, I felt led to pray for a specific friend of mine. She's a great friend and I've been trying for years to get her to come to church. I mention it occasionally, but hadn't said anything to her in a while. This morning at work I got an email from her asking what time church starts on Sunday. I don't know for sure if she'll be there Sunday or not, but she is thinking about her spiritual life and that is a great step. That little email brought me so much joy today - it was so worth the lost sleep to see the validation that God does hear my prayers and is working in the lives of those around me.

Rude awakening...

Anyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a morning person. Not even a little. So I want it on record that it is 6-something in the morning and I am up and attempting to write coherent thoughts.

A friend once told me that God sometimes wakes her up in the middle of the night. I found that a little strange, since the only thing that wakes me up is my sinuses or the sounds of snoring. But this morning I have no excuses, and having gone to bed at 2am, waking up at 5am - this could only be God.

Like little Samuel in the temple, I ask God what He wants. Samuel had a better attitude - "Here am I, Lord." I'm not that nice when I first wake up - "Come on, Lord - only 3 hours of sleep? I have to work today!" I'm glad He sees through my words to their intent.

So, after some prayer and reading, I am beginning to see the value of morning devotions. I am ready to face the challenges of today with my heart in the right place. You'll have to excuse me now - the coffeemaker is calling my name...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

H is for...

Had a silly night at home tonight. Kate & I made up a game - how many names I could call Rick that started with "h" before he figured out what we were doing. I think I got up to about 20 - husband, honey-bunches, horse's hiny...he gave me a few weird looks, but I don't think he figured out the game. Ah, it's so much fun when there's more than 2 of us here. :) It's...."h"eavenly. Ha ha!

Monday, July 7, 2008

I learned some things today...

I learned that pedestrians are supposed to walk against traffic and bikes are supposed to ride with traffic. I probably learned that before, but I forgot. So it still counts.

I learned that my husband loves me. OK that one's not new knowledge - I know he loves me. But tonight he did something I knew he didn't enjoy because he knew I enjoyed it and because I asked him. So the lesson is in the small sacrifices of love, not really the love itself.

I learned that Christian radio has more hypocrisy in one sentence from a recorded sermon than...well I don't know. But it was very hypocritical. This guy was preaching on Revelations and helping us 'lay' people sort through the Bible's depiction of the end times - He's talking about the antichrist and how he (the antichrist) will have the first "dip" in the lake of fire. And then this Christian preacher laughed...not a nice laugh, either. He laughed and said "I just love that." And continued on about how much he loved that "those people" will be put to death by swords and such. Now that really bothers me - I guess I am a softie at heart anyway, but these are people we're talking about, right? The Bible says non-believers will know us by our love - that doesn't sound like love to me. It seems to me that a pastor, especially a pastor, would have more of a loving heart. I don't know - the whole thing just struck me the wrong way - just like religion strikes so many people the wrong way.

I prefer the prayer I heard on the way to work this morning - "Lord, let the things that break Your heart be the things that break my heart." Yeah, and that was on the same radio station - how ironic. How many times do I start my day with good intentions to love everyone and end up critical and judgmental by the end of the day? There's another lesson for me to learn.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So I'm starting a blog. For a long time now I have maintained that computer communication is not a substitute for actual human relationships. And all the while, I have been selfishly indulging in the blogs of others - some friends, some family, some strangers. I have been entertained, encouraged, and challenged - and none of my relationships have suffered.

It is also a sad truth that I don't have enough time to really have in-depth conversations with many of the people whose lives touch mine. We are such busy people these days. It seems I sometimes even invite distraction into my life to avoid things I don't want to deal with. Typical Jonah syndrome, I guess.

I am not prone to long sessions of deep-thinking, but more often random, stream-of-consciousness thoughts. I don't yet know what direction this blog will take, or how often I will post. Time will tell...

Reason for the title...

I find comfort in simplicity. So many times I make things harder than they really are. So many times I have learned profound lessons from simple-minded children - Jesus says His kingdom belongs to these beautiful little ones in Matthew 19. So when I feel overwhelmed by some intellectual theological discussion and I just can't wrap my mind around it, I just thank God that it is not my mental capacity, but rather His grace, that brings me closer to Him.

My husband is the only one that ever calls me "E." I'm not sure where he came up with it, but the more I think about it, the more it fits. E is a common letter - not very effective on its own, but it is highly used and its presence can change a whole word. At the front of the word, it is a dynamic leader - e-mail, e-bay, e-commerce. At the end it is more of a silent supporter, but it still changes the word. And so I am "E" - better when partnered with others, and though I have led from the front, I prefer the role of silent supporter.